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Back Surgery
Broken Bones
Dry Skin
Growing Pains
Hair Regrowth
Hand Foot Syndrome
Joint Pain
Lower Back
Muscle Pain and Spasm
Nail Fungus
Neck Pain
Night Cream
Pinched Nerve
Plantar Warts
Post Polio Syndrome
Post Surgery
Restless Leg
Rotator Cuff
Shaved Head
Sport Cream
February 14, 2014

I continue to sing Grace Harbor praises and direct people to your website to buy what I don’t have on hand!  I’ll have to place another order soon for the larger bottles. J


Thanks for making a product that impacts lives.  I had a woman tell me this week that she took it to Mexico (scented MSM crème) and used it on the plethora of bug bites she always gets.  She noticed the bites weren’t painful or itchy as in the past and she seemed to have fewer of them.  She was ecstatic to say the least.  So glad she paid attention to her ‘impulse’ to throw it in her suitcase.  It now becomes a staple for her – at home and in Mexico.




I started ordering the MSM cream in late 2013. Since then I've given bottles away and EVERY person who has used it has fallen in love. It's been used for eczema, diaper rash, psoriasis, very dry skin relief and arthritis pain. What a wonderful product!
I wondered if you offer wholesale pricing for resale? I am a small business owner and have a variety of acquaintences who would might love to carry your product in their place of business or just use personally. 
Thank you,
Note: Yes we do offer wholesale prices. Call or email for more information
KA February 25, 2013
to Grace 
~ THANK YOU SO MUCH for the quick shipping!
my poor hands were in dire need for MSM creme and are all better already!!!!!!!
I just LOVE that stuff!!!
am enjoying new lotion and funny Old Goat soap as well...
thank you for making such wonderful products!!!!!!!!
I will be back  :) 
January 27, 2012
Hi Grace,
I received your MSM cream in the mail and want to thank you again. My feet are MUCH improved, healing more and more from just my nightly use of the cream. I will use this cream for my aches and pains as long as you continue to sell it - it has improved the quality of life for me! Not being able to even walk without pain was really starting to get me down. I not only am hopeful, I am actually better! My feet are feeling fantastic as I write this.
January 20, 2011
Penny Norton called me this morning. She is 63 years old, lives in Lynden, and called to tell me her story. She told me that  winters have been terrible for her because her fingers split so badly. As she was telling her story to me, she started to cry. She said this is the FIRST winter that her fingers have not cracked because she said, "I found your wonderful cream. I love you! I can't thank you enough and I don't care how many times you use my name to tell other people about this!" 
January 3, 2011
Hi Grace,
A couple months ago I discovered your fragrance free goat milk lotion at the Food Coop in Bellingham when a staff member suggested I try it for my toddler son who has had tiny red bumps around his mouth since infancy. I'd tried lotions, oils, nipple butter, everything, but after ONE application of the goat milk lotion, the bumps went away... within minutes. We were sold. I use the lotion on both my kids every night, my own face every night and morning, and have since bought bottles for my mom and sister and baby niece as well. I've told all my mom friends about it for their babies and have heard equally positive reviews. Thank you so much for making this fabulous, healing product. We are on a tight budget but I really believe in the value of what you make and hope you never stop making it!
I finally just went to your website and read a little about your farm and am curious about the MSM cream. Is it a natural chemical? Last fall I ran my first marathon in shoes too small and developed plantar fasciitis. My doctor recommended taking advil three times a day every day until it goes away, but I am hesitant to do so. But running around with 2 preschoolers and hoping for another child someday, I feel I've GOT to get my feet better soon. Can you tell me how long you used the MSM cream before it went away? Do you still have it? Do you give samples of the cream to try? Is that something I could ask for at the Coop? I'm desperate for a good solution and am really curious to see if it would work for me too.
Thank you for getting back to me. And thanks again for the amazing lotion. God Bless!
December 2, 2011
Dear Grace,
Thank you so much for rectifying the wrong order.  Your honesty and customer service is a testament to your Christian Faith and why I have been a loyal customer of yours since 2009.  When they arrive, I will wrap up the fragrance free bottles of the  MSM Cream to give to my husband for Christmas.  The two that were sent with fragrance, I will use and give to my friend who also has osteoarthritis.  Hopefully, I will be able to gain another loyal customer for you.
Thank you for your prompt reply and the wonderful customer service.
May the Lord continue to Bless you with His Grace,
October 18, 201l a letter from Mexico
hello grace good night to all your family my name is jesus martin garcia fierro if you like my lettercan teach everyone and all my family i endorse your products and guarantee because they have beenvery useful for us i was living in seattle,.wa. was how i found your products in the aparments where i lived a fiend who also lived in the same aparments was the one who recommended me your products as i said he had a sharp pain in the knee due to my work since i was two and not had plenty of rest and because of this i had to use tylenol and aspirin to relieve pain but it really was temporary and ended the morning that revealed all unwilling to go to work and my friend toldme from now you problems are en up giving me a jar of cream and i get started using it was that i realized that my troubles where over as if by magic was like a miracle from heaven and i could not believe from the firs day i started using the products of grace it was like i said if it´s a miracle really from the hands of  grace i talk to my wife on the phone because she was in mexico and give the news and tells me i remember when he told me i can not stand this pain that eats me inside even the bones had already lost many jobs therefore thank god you found the solution and put you in the way of grace made products and i said but now i don not i have good news because the baby was diagnosed whit rheumatic fever is a disease that have the cows and the only thing the doctors have given me are pain killers and bengo to mitigarlle pain my wife was crying on the phone and said do not worry if it cured me not to drink because it this a human being i am now contac grace to send you products to mexico and so miraculous was less than 10 days my wife wass getting what i had promised the baby doing here now is a tremendous little girl 10 years old and every one tells me pope got me very miraculous cream that i cured my knee pain that neither the doctors what they could do when you go tell my father that he knows where they sell i told the baby was not due to me if no by god and grace and his family to make these products miraculous god thank all of them but my name is jesus martin garcia fierro 
October 13, 2011
We'd love to share our story, even though we are not in Washington, but southern Utah.
In June, my 83 year old uncle drove his Harley Davidson motorcycle from California to visit us. He spent five days visiting Las Vegas then came to see us. On his first evening with us, he told us how badly his hands ached each day after hours of riding his motorcycle. The ache was so bad that at night he would have to tuck his hands between his knees in bed to help with the ache. My husband and I  immediately gave him some of our Grace Harbor Farms MSM cream, plus I gave him a small container filled with the cream for him to take with him. He was very pleased to tell us the next morning how much better his hands felt, the ache was gone and he had fallen asleep without the usual pain. My husband helped him to order your fabulous cream so it would be waiting for him when he got home. He stayed five days with us, with trips on his motorcycle to Zion and Bryce National Parks. 
His hands have not bothered him since!
Of course we love the cream, and use it faithfully on our hands, knees, toe joints, wherever we have an ache.
Thank you for a great product.
Lois & Mike W
St. George, Utah
July 7, 2011
*Hi. I have recently tried your MSM cream and LOVE it. Tiffany Clark is my
> sister-in-law and she's the one who introduced it to me. You have a new
> customer!! My question was (well, I have three) 1). Can I only pay by credit
> card when ordering on-line? 2). Is there another way to pay? (and would I
> still get free shipping?) and 3). My 15 year old daughter has a
> tracheotomy scar on her neck and we were wondering if the MSM cream would
> help? Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon. Cheryl Ann
> **
> *P.s.*
> *I had carpal tunnel surgery on my left hand about a month ago and when we
> came up to Washington State to visit it had only been 2 weeks, I had alotof pain and didn't like the way the skin was healing around it. It was dry
> and rough and Tiffany gave me some of the cream and 2 applications later it
> looked like different skin. It was smoothe and I had less pain. I was sold
> after that. It itches sometimes due to the healing process and when that
> happens I put on the cream and I feel instant relief. I just love your
> product. I have also tried the mint shampoo and the goat milk lotion and
> plan to buy some in the future. Thank you again. I wanted to share my
> experience. *
July 2, 2011
Grace, I wanted to let you know how very nicely your cream is working on calming the redness in my skin and dry areas. I was wondering if it would be alright to use around my eyes, especially on my eyelids, which are dry. Also, the sample you sent me of the MSM cream came in handy. I had a restless legs syndrome bout the other evening and rubbed it on my legs and it really seemed to help. I am truly sorry about the confusion with the cream in the beginning. I am happy with it. Thanks and have a blessed day. Sheila
March 29, 2011
Hi my name is Jeff Wilson I'm a 50 year old male and I live in Eastern Oregon in the small town of Pendleton. We have cold harsh winters and very hot summer weather with extremely low humidity levels. I have struggled with sensitive and dry skin all my life. And for the past 20 or more years I have shaved my head and have always had to deal with a certain degree of razor rash. Mostly on the sides of my head and have never been able to find a product to relieve the redness and irritation. During a recent visit to my Mothers house in Eugene Oregon she had a 32oz bottle of your Grace Harbor Farms  Naturally Gentle  Fragrance Free MSM Cream. She recommended I try your product during my one week stay with her. To my amazement after the second day of applying it to my shaved head I noticed a substantial decrease in the redness and irritation. And after 3 shaves and 5 days my skin looks and feels as if I hadn't shaved at all. I would have never believed that a totally natural product like yours could cure my problem at all much less in a weeks time. Thank you for your time and promptness of returning my phone call. Obviously your customer service is equal to your product which is excellent.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Thank You
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Jeff Wilson
Grace..............Hope you received my email about my razor rash after shaving my head. I called you but the message said you were out of town so I will try to call you next week. I'm having some trouble with loading the before and after pictures but I will continue to try and get them to you. I come from a long line of Law Enforcement in my family and I was a Correctional Officer for many years and a shaved head seems to go hand in hand in my line of work. I know many people who have the same trouble as I do with razor rash after shaving their head. I will be contacting them and informing all of them of your products. I'm retired and have a couple of side jobs to keep me busy I would enjoy being a distributor or representative  for your products. Not sure if you do that but if so please let me know.
                                                                                                                               Thank You
                                                                                                                               Jeff Wilson
March 19, 2011
Hi Grace,
My brother, Wesley,  has told us about your products and we love your MSM cream. We also have both of our parents using it and they love it as well. Thank you for making such great products!
Thank you!  Love your products and glass bottles!!
March 18, 2011
Hi Grace,
I've been meaning to write you about your soap and lotion. I'm liking your peppermint soap and am looking forward to using the tea tree oil soap. As we've transitioned to organics and more natural products I feel like I'm doing something good for me, and Sean's taken to using it also. I'd read on your site about a lady who bought it for a problem with her arms and that it'd helped. I had a bit of the same issue, so I tried it and it helped with mine also. The other thing is that after every shower the hairline around my forehead would be very and pealing. It's much better since using your soap. That was a very nice surprise.
The MSM cream is also very nice. I don't use lotions normally but I've found that sometimes my arms or hands will itch and it drives me nuts. If I put your MSM on, it's gone. Just like that, it's gone. Sean also uses it on his feet after work in the evenings and it's always helped his tired achy feet.
It's good stuff :)
Handwritten Letter Received February 25, 2011
Please help me. I need your MSM Cream, 100% Natural pain relief, relieves pain, heals skin , soften calluses!
It works!
It's Wonderful!
I was introduced to it by a family member who told me to try it. Now I can't live without it. Please let me know how I can get some. I'm 83, and alone now. Lost my love of 64 years in October to cancer. I don't drive, I'm well. I'm active, volunteer in Chimicum Food Bank. 
I get some pain in right shoulder and upper arm, and its also good for my feet.
Can I order this from you through mail? I can do that. My supply is nearly gone. Please respond soon. Faye G.
Dear Grace,
I received my order yesterday.  Wow!  That was fast.
God bless you, Grace.  I have been working with a dermatologist on the
psoriasis I have on the palms of my hands.  Some of the ointments and
lotions (prescription and over the counter) have helped, but nothing has
ever felt soothing.  Your MSM cream has changed all that!  Yes, I just
received it yesterday and there is already a difference in how my hands feel
and look. I can't thank you enough for creating such a wonderful product.
With warmest regards,
B Maxwell
November 25, 2009
Amen! Praise and Thank the Lord!
Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. Thank you.
I am very satisfied with the rosemary body lotion. I use it day and night.
I received it in a very timely fashion. Thank you.
January 12, 2009
You can use this testimony Grace.  I get really bad cramps in my feet and legs.  As you and I have talked before, I rub it on my feet, between my toes, on my legs, ANY WHERE IT HURTS! If we are going on a trip, my cream goes with me. When we head for the desert, I have 3 jars ready to go!
Lord Bless,
January 10, 2009
Hi Grace,
I have wanted to let you know that I am a massage practitioner and am part of a hospice team. I only use your lotion on my patients and they love it. Often, I come back the following week and either they or their family members inquire about the lotion. They love the smooth, silky sensation left after the massage. Often times it is the only lotion they have found that helps to alleviate the dry skin caused by the many medications they are prescribed. 
As a massage practitioner, I love it.  It is the only lotion I have found that is chemical free, non-oily and gives a smooth massage. I primarily use your non MSM cream, unscented.   My partner and I use your MSM cream regularly on our feet and absolutely love the fragrance and the way our feet feel from using it.
Thanks Grace,
From: ron olson 
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 7:43 PM
To: Naturally Gentle
Subject: Re: Order Confirmation
Dear Customer Service,
I received my shipment of soap / shampoo in record time, thank-you so very much !!!
Your Product is simply amazing, and works so well.  It has a heavenly aroma, and does not leave any trace in the shower stall.
Thank-you for the great packaging job, as the soap / shampoo arrived in perfect condition.
Your Company is absolutely First Rate !  You will have my business for life.
Ron Olson
From: Julie Gross, LMP 
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 7:04 AM
To: Grace Lukens
Subject: Re: Testimony request
Hey Grace,
I would love to  write a Testimony.
I am in Monroe, LA taking care of my Father who is in the hospital.  I just gave away 5 bottles to relatives.  One is going to order a few cases for her business.
The cream has been Godsend for my Father.  I have been massaging his back every day.  It really helps his severe back pain from laying in bed all day.  Also, he always has trouble sleeping because his skin itches.  The cream has helped him sleep too.  Love the stuff!
Take Care,
From: Pat 
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 1:31 PM
To: Grace Lukens
Subject: Re: MSM Cream
As a massage therapist, I use the creme when I massage people's feet.  Many people, including myself, have dry cracked feet and I like using a product that is both good for the skin and also will help fight any bacteria that may be growing or thinking about growing.  Also, the fact that it isn't oily or greasy is important when massaging feet.  I have one client who works at Costco on those cement floors all day and sold her a bottle and she swears by it for her poor tired feet.
In addition, my hands and arms are both getting pretty stiff and sore as well as I get contact dermatitis on my hands from washing them so often.  I keep a bottle by the kitchen sink and on my night table for my hands.  Occasionally, I have my husband rub it on my back when it feels itchy from dry skin.  It seems to work better  than lotion for that.
Also, I sent a bottle to my step-mom.  My Dad had a stroke a few years back and while in the nursing home, developed some skin rash issues that he kept scratching at.  She had some prescription creme but it kept getting stolen.  She put some of the MSM creme on him and it seemed to help clear it up.
From: Jim & Vada 
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 10:09 AM
Subject: from Lake Steven's
My husband Jim, granddaughter Leila & I were in your store last Monday.  We enjoyed our visit to the goat farm.
I love the soap, I have never been so soft without using lotion and I hate taking time for lotion.  I am using it on my face too.
I’m throwing away my cleanser.
The MSM lotion is also fabulous.  For at least 12 yrs I have had a seed thing on the bottom of my right foot.
When I showed the podiatrist at Virginia Mason, she simply shaved it off.  So for 12 yrs I have shaved it off too.
While we were in Birch Bay it started hurting, I ignored it.  Then Sunday morning getting ready for church it really hurt, so that I couldn’t ignore it.  I put cream on it & it hasn’t hurt since then. 
Leila got relief from an Achilles arch she hurt because her cat was laying on it.  Since we applies the lotion it never bothered her again. I have told 4 people about the MSM cream yesterday.
It was wonderful to meet a sister in the Lord, who God is doing great things through!
March 29, 2006
Holy Goat!!!!  THIS STUFF WORKS!!!!!
I have been suffering for 6 months from debilitating and
excruciating pain due to hemorrhoids.  I now have my 
life back, as the MSM cream has taken the pain away.
Unbelievable.  Thank you, thank you!  I can't wait to see
how it works for my menstrual cramps.
Heather (received via email)
February 13, 2007: 
I just wanted to send a quick note to tell you thank you for your wonderful MSM Cream.  My 4 year old daughter was diagnosed approx. 3 weeks ago with Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP).  HSP causes a skin rash, pain in the joints (such as the knees and ankles) among other issues as well.  The rash looks like small bruises or small reddish-purple spots.   Or as in my daughters case starts as small reddish-purple spots and then turns to bruises.
My Uncle originally used your MSM Cream who then turned my mom onto it.  I loved it (just for the smell and how soft it made my hands) so she gave me some for Christmas.  When my daughter was diagnosed and wasn't able to walk because of the pain in her ankle joints I thought of your cream.  We have been using it faithfully.  
She is getting better and this will hopefully not be something life long that she will have to deal with but the MSM Cream truly seemed to help with her pain.  She would ask me to rub it into her legs numerous times during the day and it especially seemed to help at night.  She had a few days she wasn't able to walk at all.  As she has started to improve she isn't  able to walk some evenings, I rub the cream in at night and by morning she is able to walk and her rash is starting to clear up.  
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!  We are almost out of our bottle in fact my daughter mentioned it tonight that we were getting low.  I promised her that I would order a new one tonight and I am sure this will not be our last order.  KM in Snohomish, WA 
January 17, 2007: Thank you for the quick response sending me the MSM cream. It sure has helped me with this changeable  weather we have had the past months. I use it morning and night. It works wonders.  Marion in Snohomish
January 17, 2007: As I use lotion all over my body, its a great big deal to find something that improves my skin condition (eczema)  AND is a pleasure to use in that it is not greasy and absorbs well.  I am noticing my skin is improving, I have angry red areas that are spotting with healthy skin. Many times I get excited about a lotion or product and then my skin reverts back to it's old ways, but it's been a couple of weeks and it's still slowly improving.  Alisa in Tacoma, WA 
January 13, 2007: I am very pleased with the MSM cream...the plantar wars on the balls of my feet have been reducing measurably and a lot less painful...left foot hasn't hurt at all today and the right one hasn't since this a.m.!  I also find that the tea tree oil soap is good for feminine hygiene. Nora L. in Muskegon, MI
The MSM cream from Grace Harbor Farms has been helpful for all kinds of pain and healing. We continue to get letters, email and phone calls telling us how our MSM cream has helped give arthritis pain relief, carpal tunnel pain relief, and our natural pain relief cream has given help to people with lots of other problems. That's why we say, "Put it on anything that hurts!"  
"I broke my back awhile ago and I have been in constant pain. I have pins and screws all through my back. The MSM cream is the first thing that I have found that allows me to sleep at night. I also have restless leg and I don't know what you put in this stuff, but I rub it on my leg and it just calms down," Wendy from Granite Falls, WA.
"It works! Instead of waking up with pain from a sore shoulder and tennis elbow, no more pain!" Lorraine from The Homespun General Store in Lynden, Washington
"I used up the sample you gave me, and I came back to get some more. Wow. I am so thankful for this cream!" A customer at the Farm Store at Grace Harbor Farms.
"My wife is using it religiously! She even took it on a trip with her and on the way to the airport she asked me twice, 'Did I pack it?'"
Mr. Olsen of Bellingham
"I used to have this knot in the back of my neck, now it's gone," Jo Anne from Bellingham.
"I was amazed! I could feel the difference in seconds! I have this itch on my foot that I would go out and scratch on the pavement in the driveway, and I am not kidding! That itch was gone in 15 seconds!," Michele from Demolicious Demos in Seattle.
"I used to have these hard cuticles. Now I wake up in the morning and they are soft. I can see the difference!" L.R. Bellingham
"I work with chemicals in my wood finishing business and my hands are always a mess. I couldn't believe the difference in only one day. My hands are soft again. Thank you so much," Perry in Walnut Creek California.
"Thank you so much for the MSM cream, Grace. My husband, John, is a carpenter and his knees have bothered him for years. He started using your cream yesterday and the knee pain was gone this morning," Christie in Portland, Oregon.
"I got a terrible sunburn, my mom told me to try the MSM cream. In one minute the sting was gone! I was thrilled." Mona, from California.
One week this summer at the Bellingham Farmer’s Market as I demonstrated our MSM.  Several people experienced immediate relief from their pain.  Let me tell you their stories
*A lady pulled up her pant leg and showed me the damage psoriasis had done to the skin below her knee. Her leg was red, inflamed, scarred and the skin had white scaly patches. I invited her to sit down and put the MSM cream on her legs right then. As she started to rub the cream into her skin she said, “Oh, my. That feels good.” She kept repeating, “That feels so good.” As I watched, the redness faded and the dry patches disappeared. She couldn’t believe her own eyes and she kept saying how good it felt.
*A big man with a Harley Davidson T-Shirt and beard sat down when I asked him if he would like to try the MSM cream on his neck. As he rubbed it in he started to smile and said, “Wow. That does feel good.”  He put it on his neck, his back and his knees. 
*A lady on crutches told me that she had just had surgery on her knee. I invited her to sit down and try the MSM cream on her knee. The site of the incision was itchy and she was in a lot of pain. Immediately the itch went away and she said she could feel the warmth of the MSM cream penetrating her knee. When she got up she said it felt so much better.
*A boy, about 14, came in to the booth limping, with one bare foot. I asked him what was wrong. He said he hurt his foot kicking his brother. I told him he needed to work on his attitude toward his brother, but I might be able to help his foot pain. I asked him to try the MSM cream on his sore foot. He did. Thanked me and said it did feel better.
*I asked a lady if she had pain anywhere. She said that the day before a massage therapist at a well known spa in Bellingham had worked on her neck for an hour trying to get it “loosened” up. The treatment hadn’t helped so I asked the lady to put the MSM cream on her neck. She did. As she rubbed it in she said, “Oh my goodness! It feels better already! I can’t believe the difference. I haven’t been able to turn my head all day.  Thank you so much. What is this stuff?”  Naturally, I told her and she bought some.
*Several ladies told me that they had been using our MSM cream to treat their rosacea. One of them brought her mother with her to try some. 
Testimony Index
Web site designed & hosted by Grace Lukens ©
Below are the comments from our September 2013 Survey about our MSM Cream. We have not edited the comments, or even tried to sort them. 
 This is the Raw Data
1. MSM cream helped my feet to not hurt.  It alleviated my plantar fasciitis.  I have made recommendations to others, and they have had their pain alleviated for other conditions.
2. Have used it on my own "aches and pains" of osteo-arthritis and, although it doesn't get rid of the pain entirely, it certainly provides better relief than anything else I have used over the past few years.  Have recommended it to friends, and they have expressed the same result.  Thank you and Bless you.
3. I use cooling msm lotion for bug bites, sore muscles, cuts and scrapes, but our best use was when my 10 yo son had persistent dry, itchy patches of eczema. Cortisone cream only gave temporary relief, at best. MSM Cream healed the eczema, and it hasn't come back! He has little patchy scars to remind us how thankful we are for MSM cream.
4. Any new expense during these times of hardship is a tough sell. If you've got slow steady growth from your current customer base, I'd be doing Cartwheels!! I keep my quart container, that Christie C sent me, right next to my computer...I can't live without it!! Mark Coykendall PS. things that go viral fall out of favor just as quick. Luv your work.
5. Grace Harbor MSM is my first line of first aid treatment for both skin irritations conditions and joint pain.  It's a real blessing to me and many of my patients.
6. I use the MSM lotion on all my aches & pains, whether from a hard workout or when my fibromyalgia is really flaring.  I also use the goat's milk soaps and lotions (non MSM) and find that they are very soothing to my dry, irritated skin.  Friends who have sensitive skin (especially those reactive to SLS) have bought lotion for shaving too.
7. I've been using MSM cream for years. Though from  Bellingham, I live in Florida. I've had you ship to me for 10 years. I use goat soap,lavender lotion, MSM cream and lip balm.  I've given MSM cream to friends, family and strangers, in Canada, Bellingham and Florida.  All with excellent results! I think everything is in GOD's time!
8. I always buy at least two large bottles at a time so I never run out!
9. To expensive.  Not affordable for many who need it.  Disabled are usually poor.
10. I've given this away to a lot of people.I sometimes order for other people when I order. I love this stuff and use it on my joints. It is the only thing that clears the inflammation on my son's face, making his acne appear less red and raw - nothing else has worked in any way whatsoever to help his skin. Thank you so much.
11. I use it for my arthritis and neuropathy.  Love the lavender fragrance.  I'm sending some to my daughter for her birthday; she tried mine and wants her own!
12. It works!! My Excema is now under control.
13. Best stuff in the world.
14. Feels good,makes pain less smells good, we use it for everything.  Wish we had an unlimited supply.  this product does what it is purported to do.  good luck with viral!
15. I didn't notice any pain relief when applied to my aching knees. Nice lotion, though expensive. Also ordered the castile soaps with herbal essences. Liked those very much.
16. Use it all of the time, liked it better in the plastic bottles
17. It really helps my fibromyalgia and neuropathy on my feet.  Thanks so much
18. Love this stuff and tell everybody to try it!
19. Never tried it.
20. someone told my wife about your prduct and she used it. she used it as a relief to her joints (kness,elbows and wrist)with me my lower back. i am glad we found out about it when we did.
21. I love your goats milk skin care products though!
22. I've not had the "miraculous" results that others have had.  I'm using it every night on my arthritic thumbs and on some skin traumas, and I'm not noticing any improvement.
23. I;m very satisfied with this product, but unfortunately I cannot afford to purchase it on a regular bases or to give it to someone as a gift, it's simply too expensive :(
24. It is a great quality product! Very moisturizing and takes pain away too!
25. Hi Grace,I have Diabetic Foot pain and my feet get very hot . so at night i rub your cream on and it cools then down so I can get to sleep.
26. It's really pretty simple:  It works.  Easily.  Quickly.  On all kids of pain.  Can't make it much simpler.
27. I wouldn't be with out my MSM "magic cream"  It's in the bedroom, the kitchen, by my chair in the living room and in the motorhome!  If it "hurts" I use my cream. Last night my husband had restless legs and i applied the cream to both legs and he was off to sleepy land.  In fact I need to get busy and order more. I only have 3 jars left
28. I like how it makes my muscles and joints feel, as in relaxed and pampered.  It smells good without any clinging fragrance.
29. It is a great product.
30. I was hoping the msm cream would help clear up a skin problem on my leg. I don't know what the condition was called, it looked like a patch of extremely dry skin that I scratched alot because it itched so bad. I was hoping the msm cream would help but there was no difference after using it several days, rubbing it on the area twice a day.
31. I love your MSM cream so much!  I have been using it for I believe 8 yrs?  It was the first time you had been at the fair I think.  Anyway when I bought some dmso cream on Amazon I even left a feedback about mixing my Grace Harbor farms MSM cream with the dmso.  I will post it on facebook.  Do you have a facebook page?  That would be great for you.
32. I use the fragrance free MSM Cream and it does great  for arthritis. When my grandchildren visit and they get boo-boos, I use it on those as well.  
33. The MSM cream is just simply "wonderful".  I suffered a severely fractured humerus a year ago and had major surgery and 8 months of physical therapy.  This cream was so soothing then, but I still use it almost every morning and night just to relieve the tightness and soreness.  It is so relaxing!!!
34. This is the best cream in the world and Grace Harbor farms is a great company to do business with. I first started using the MSM cream about 6 or 7 years ago for plantar faciitis and it got rid of it very quickly. Now I use it on everything and tell everyone about it.
35. It has not cured my plantar fasciitis pain, but it feels and smells good on the skin. The pain relief for me is just slight and temporary.
36. This MSM Cream has nearly eliminated the arthritis pain in my hands. It wasn't until I was gone from home for a few days without taking it along that I realized what a difference it has been making.  A couple of days without it and the pain was back. I started using it again upon returning home and once again the pain is gone. I love this stuff!!
37. Just glad to support a local business with great products.
38. We bought our first bottle of MSM cream at the Bellingham Farmer's Mkt over a year ago.  We have been very happy with the relief it has given us.  It doesn't do away with the problem, but gives you the relief you need at the time.  Thank you.
39. I have no idea why everyone doesn't know about wonderful MSM Cream.  I know I talk about it to everyone I know.
40. I live in Canada and would like to be able to bring your product and act as a distributer but don't know what is involved
41. LOVE MSM cream.....doesn't take much, rub it in and my pain goes away and stays away for the glad my neighbor shared some with me, I do the  same (^:^)
42. I would say there should be a selection between somewhat & extremely, & I would choose that.  Thanks
43. I discovered your farm and this lotion on a trip to visit family in Washington and have been hooked ever since.  I finally just splurged and got the big bottle and use it almost daily.  I really feel it helps heal wounds, aches and pains, and bug bites.  Love it!
44. Every time I put this on a new problem area from joint pain, arthritics, psoriasis, scaling feet it always helps in so many ways. It has been a good find for me and whole family uses it.
45. This cream is awesome.  It helps with the dryness of my skin, soothes the arthritis in my hands and takes away the pain in my legs.  I am so glad that we tried the MSM cream out and now will never be without it.  Thank you so much.
46. When I have a headache, I gently rub MSM in front of my ears and down the side of my neck.  The product with its essential oils is very relaxing. 
47. The "old age spots" on my hands are disappearing with the use of MSM cream!  When I showed my doctor my hands he asked for the full name of the product!
48. I love the MSM product.  It's good for rough heels (on feet), for rashes, for joint pain and muscle tenderness.  Highly recommend this product.
49. It is hard to find products that do not set off my allergies, but your unscented products are great for me, and for my whole family.
50. Husband has sensitive skin and your product does the job.  Our daughter now uses it. Wouldn't be without it.
51. I don't know why it hasn't gone viral. I heard about it from Franklin Sanders and have sent it as gifts to 4 or 5 people and given your samples to local friends. I think it's the economy. If CPI for the last 4 yrs is up 8.2% why do BIG MACs cost 32.9% more?
52. Your product is fantastic! I would not have the range of motion in my shoulder like I do without it.  I don't think people understand MSM creme, it's properties, safety, its uses.  Most of the cremes in  stores do not work well so it is not familiar or comparable.  Might need a physical presence in a store or booth at a Farmers Market?
53. I have shared many bottles and have told. All my friends!! And a few patients.
54. My daughter in Ferndale recommended the MSM for aches and joint discomfort and sent me (in Illinois) an "old goat" basket.  I gave some to my niece who shared it with her co-workers (in  Missouri) and has placed several orders.  I asked my massage therapist to use it on me and now she has ordered some.  I've given several other friends samples.
55. if i recall (could be wrong, it's been a while), it has emu oil in it, so as a vegetarian, i can't use it. if you had a version w/o, i'd like to try it!
56. I love the smell, the feel and the way MSM cream works.  It is an outstanding product.  I rub it, at night,  on my arthritic knee which also has had a knee replacement and next morning, no pain.  It helps me sleep.
57. Cost is prohibitive for me.  I understand why it is so costly and do not dispute that - simply cannot afford it.
58. great product
59. I rub the MSM Lotion on my shoulder every night when I go to bed. 
60. This stuff is amazing! It works for every ailment I have applied it to, and it smells wonderful.
61. I have dealt with knee pain since I was a child. This has been especially troublesome during the night. I began applying your MSM cream each night before bedtime with great results. I rarely awaken with knee pains now.
62. It really did not relieve pain.
63. This is a beautiful, natural, clean product. I cannot imagine a day without it.
64. Using the cream at night on my neck, arms and legs helps my muscels relax,  which then assists in me to fall asleep.
65. I like the way it has cleared up my aging skin dryness, I love it.
66. This cream helps to ease so many different types of pains we get periodically. Including arthritis, and gout pain. We make sure we always have some of the cream in the house.
67. I love MSM Cream.  I "put it where it hurts."  I used it first for plantar fascitis, then my husband used it for his fingers that cracked when he worked on the diesel engine.  I use it for heat rash, for legs that are stiff from cramps.  I use it every day.  I love the smell of it.
68. When I get my regular visit to the dermatologist, I come away with all kinds of "blisters" from the freezing technique.  For a couple of weeks, they are sore, dry and irritated. The only thing that relieves this and promotes healing is your MSM cream.  Thank you for such a wonderful product.
69. I love the product. It's needful and works wonders for so many different problems.   Ruth Frederick
70. I am "very" satisfied.... higher than "somewhat" but not as high as "extremely".  It doesn't perform miracles but is a good moisturizer and for overnight aches and pains.
71. My husband and. I both rub our MSM cream on our aching joints before crawling in bed and then laugh as we say goodnight to our favorite goat.  No more waking up during the nite to get an aspirin.
72. I like the MSM cream and have only tried a few samples that you send along in the package of the others.  MSM cream works great on my back and my Mom (age 95) uses it for the pain in her hip.  It relieves the pain and lets her sleep at night. Great stuff!!
73. Love the cream and use almost daily.  Do recommend to everyone who I think could use it.  Would like to be able to purchase or obtain samples alittle bigger than the freeby that comes with orders. Possible to change from glass to plastic bottles?
74. not really extremely satisfied but more than somewhat satisfied
75. I have only tried the samples you send with my soap order.
76. My husband and I love MSM Cream!  We both use it every day and can't imagine being without it. Thanks original fragrance is our favorite.
77. It is a great product. I have not found anything
78. I absolutely Love your MSM cream. I use it on all of my aches, pains and bruises.  But best of all, I truly believe that it was instrumental in the healing of my heal problems. I was to the point of not being able to walk because of the pain. So I am standing on the roof tops shouting the praises of your MSM cream.
79. I love the products, and buy them and recommend them every chance I get - but you could provide us more of your cards, to help spread the word.
80. We were given a little jar by a friend after complaining about sore joints....we are hooked
81. I've been telling everybody I know about this cream!
82. I have very sensitive skin and this is the only product I have found that has not caused a problem - and I have been using it for several years now.
83. Your MSM cream in our house is called Miracle cream.We have used it  for many different things.It has healed my cracked feet this summer.Dry skin from sun exposure.Reduced time for healing bruises, but for me its for reducing the pain from back pain, sore muscles etc.It truly does what it claims too do.Our family love, love, love it.
84. This cream really gives relief from pain and soreness in your muscles and joints.  It also works great when you have a sore throat.  My whole family uses it!  When my daughters works at summer camp, she takes extra MSM along because all the other workers use it, too.
85. Product so awesome.  We use for sore muscles. sunburns dry skin our kids growing pains ehen we fly on airplanes relives ear pain and pressure.  Bug bites as a prevention as well as itching bites.  Also use it to cool down when hot. We have since moved to Florida. They ship the products here so we will never be caught without.  Blessings, Assinks
86. We are in our mid-sixties.  My wife is on concrete floors all day pushing wheel chairs.  Her feet and lower legs knot up every night.
87. The eucalyptus fragrance lotion is my favorite.
88. I'm already trying to make you as viral as I can!
89. MSM cream worked great for my unexplained eczema, as well as any strains, sprains or inflammation.  I feel so good about it I use it on my kids for growing pains, sprains etc.
90. I have personally found that this cream cures lots of ailments conventional medicine does not and many of those it does.
91. It helps when my RLS acts up by soothing and settling down the 'ants & twitches'...LOVE it!!
92. Never stop being amazed at the immediate comfort this lotion brings to an area of pain.  THANK YOU!!
93. I am blessed too, to be able to tell friends about your MSM cream because I know "it works"
94. The cream works for me but when I put it on my baby's skin he immediately started to scream and cry. His skin got red and bumps appeared on his little body. I had to give him a bath and clean him off, for the problem to stop. That was the last time I put it on him, I don't know what caused it, I believe it's one of the ingredients in the cream.
95. Hard for me to evaluate this product. I have no joint or muscle pain to test the MSM on. However, as a cream, I found the product smooth, light, and quickly absorbed with no sticky or greasy residue. And that's GREAT!
96. I LOVE the MSM lotion.  There are too many reasons to go into, but there is not one bad thing about this lotion.  I don't ever want to be without it.
97. It really works.  My knee is very much improved.
98. "If one uses this stuff when something hurts it won't hurt anymore!  Period!"
99. MSM cream is the best product I have ever used for pain relief from severe arthritis in my knees. My grandson just had surgery on his shoulder and MSM cream gave him added relief around the surgical site. Try it you will be glad you did. Melody, Rochester,NY.
100. We recommend it to friends AND we buy it regularly for family.
101. It is wonderful.  I tell everyone about it.  Now I am sending the email and web site to my friends.  I'm trying to help!
102. I recommend Grace Harbor Farms' MSM cream to every client because of its effectiveness in quickly relieving pain and discomfort.  I'm thankful for the person who told me about MSM cream and want to pass it on!
103. Plan to continue using the product and have recommended to others.
104. Smoothing the MSM cream on my aching arthritic body in the morning gives my body more pain free agility for the day.  Smoothing it on at the end of the day affords a calmer and more pain free rest all night long. 
105. It has worked when I have needed to use it! Thanks
106. I use it daily for pain in my wrist and hands. It takes care of the pain immediately.
107. I tell everyone I know the wonderful benefits of your MSM lotions & creams!
108. I am a new customer of yours and am very satisfied with the MSM cream. I have Rosecea and this cream has helped me more then anything I have tried, also the Arthritis pain in my hands is at a minimum.
109. i have used this product for more than 8 years and find its healing properties (especially with my chronic shoulder pain) to be amazing.  my only problem is a personal one.  i
Below are the comments from our September 2013 Survey about our MSM Cream. We have not edited the comments, or even tried to sort them. 
 This is the Raw Data
1. MSM cream helped my feet to not hurt.  It alleviated my planatar fasciitis.  I have made recommendations to others, and they have had their pain alleviated for other conditons.
2. Have used it on my own "aches and pains" of osteo-arthritis and, although it doesn't get rid of the pain entirely, it certainly provides better relief than anything else I have used over the past few years.  Have recommended it to friends, and they have expressed the same result.  Thank you and Bless you.
3. I use cooling msm lotion for bug bites, sore muscles, cuts and scrapes, but our best use was when my 10 yo son had persistent dry, itchy patches of eczema. Cortisone cream only gave temporary relief, at best. MSM Cream healed the eczema, and it hasn't come back! He has little patchy scars to remind us how thankful we are for MSM cream.
4. Any new expense during these times of hardship is a tough sell. If you've got slow steady growth from your current customer base, I'd be doing Cartwheels!! I keep my quart container, that Christie C sent me, right next to my computer...I can't live without it!! Mark Coykendall PS. things that go viral fall out of favor just as quick.Luv your work.
5. Grace Harbor MSM is my first line of first aid treatment for both skin irritations conditions and joint pain.  It's a real blessing to me and many of my patients.
6. I use the MSM lotion on all my aches & pains, whether from a hard workout or when my fibromyalgia is really flaring.  I also use the goat's milk soaps and lotions (non MSM) and find that they are very soothing to my dry, irritated skin.  Friends who have sensitive skin (especially those reactive to SLS) have bought lotion for shaving too.
7. I've been using MSM cream for years. Though from  Bellingham, I live in Florida. I've had you ship to me for 10 years. I use goat soap,lavender lotion, MSM cream and lip balm.  I've given MSM cream to friends, family and strangers, in Canada, Bellingham and Florida.  All with excellent results! I think everything is in GOD's time!
8. I always buy at least two large bottles at a time so I never run out!
9. To expensive.  Not affordable for many who need it.  Disabled are usually poor.
10. I've given this away to a lot of people.I sometimes order for other people when I order. I love this stuff and use it on my joints. It is the only thing that clears the inflammation on my son's face, making his acne appear less red and raw - nothing else has worked in any way whatsoever to help his skin. Thank you so much.
11. I use it for my arthritis and neuropathy.  Love the lavendar fragrance.  I'm sending some to my daughter for her birthday; she tried mine and wants her own!
12. It works!! My Excema is now under control.
13. Best stuff in the world.
14. Feels good,makes pain less smells good, we use it for everything.  Wish we had an unlimited supply.  this product does what it is purported to do.  good luck with viral!
15. I didn't notice any pain relief when applied to my aching knees. Nice lotion, though expensive. Also ordered the castile soaps with herbal essences. Liked those very much.
16. Use it all of the time, liked it better in the plastic bottles
17. It really helps my fibromyalgia and neuropathy on my feet.  Thanks so much
18. Love this stuff and tell everybody to try it!
19. Never tried it.
20. someone told my wife about your prduct and she used it. she used it as a relief to her joints (kness,elbows and wrist)with me my lower back. i am glad we found out about it when we did.
21. I love your goats milk skin care products though!
22. I've not had the "miraculous" results that others have had.  I'm using it every night on my arthritic thumbs and on some skin traumas, and I'm not noticing any improvement.
23. I;m very satisfied with this product, but unfortunately I cannot afford to purchase it on a regular bases or to give it to someone as a gift, it's simply too expensive :(
24. It is a great quality product! Very moisturizing and takes pain away too!
25. Hi Grace,I have Diabetic Foot pain and my feet get very hot . so at night i rub your cream on and it cools then down so I can get to sleep.
26. It's really pretty simple:  It works.  Easily.  Quickly.  On all kids of pain.  Can't make it much simpler.
27. I wouldn't be with out my MSM "magic cream"  It's in the bedroom, the kitchen, by my chair in the living room and in the motorhome!  If it "hurts" I use my cream. Last night my husband had restless legs and i applied the cream to both legs and he was off to sleepy land.  In fact I need to get busy and order more. I only have 3 jars left
28. I like how it makes my muscles and joints feel, as in relaxed and pampered.  It smells good without any clinging fragrance.
29. It is a great product.
30. I was hoping the msm cream would help clear up a skin problem on my leg. I don't know what the condition was called, it looked like a patch of extremely dry skin that I scratched alot because it itched so bad. I was hoping the msm cream would help but there was no difference after using it several days, rubbing it on the area twice a day.
31. I love your MSM cream so much!  I have been using it for I believe 8 yrs?  It was the first time you had been at the fair I think.  Anyway when I bought some dmso cream on Amazon I even left a feedback about mixing my Grace Harbor farms MSM cream with the dmso.  I will post it on facebook.  Do you have a facebook page?  That would be great for you.
32. I use the fragrance free MSM Cream and it does great  for arthritis. When my grandchildren visit and they get boo-boos, I use it on those as well.  
33. The MSM cream is just simply "wonderful".  I suffered a severely fractured humerus a year ago and had major surgery and 8 months of physical therapy.  This cream was so soothing then, but I still use it almost every morning and night just to relieve the tightness and soreness.  It is so relaxing!!!
34. This is the best cream in the world and Grace Harbor farms is a great company to do business with. I first started using the MSM cream about 6 or 7 years ago for plantar faciitis and it got rid of it very quickly. Now I use it on everything and tell everyone about it.
35. It has not cured my plantar fasciitis pain, but it feels and smells good on the skin. The pain relief for me is just slight and temporary.
36. This MSM Cream has nearly eliminated the arthritis pain in my hands. It wasn't until I was gone from home for a few days without taking it along that I realized what a difference it has been making.  A couple of days without it and the pain was back. I started using it again upon returning home and once again the pain is gone. I love this stuff!!
37. Just glad to support a local business with great products.
38. We bought our first bottle of MSM cream at the Bellingham Farmer's Mkt over a year ago.  We have been very happy with the relief it has given us.  It doesn't do away with the problem, but gives you the relief you need at the time.  Thank you.
39. I have no idea why everyone doesn't know about wonderful MSM Cream.  I know I talk about it to everyone I know.
40. I live in Canada and would like to be able to bring your product and act as a distributer but don't know what is involved
41. LOVE MSM cream.....doesn't take much, rub it in and my pain goes away and stays away for the glad my neighbor shared some with me, I do the  same (^:^)
42. I would say there should be a selection between somewhat & extremely, & I would choose that.  Thanks
43. I discovered your farm and this lotion on a trip to visit family in Washington and have been hooked ever since.  I finally just splurged and got the big bottle and use it almost daily.  I really feel it helps heal wounds, aches and pains, and bug bites.  Love it!
44. Every time I put this on a new problem area from joint pain, arthritics, psoriasis, scaling feet it always helps in so many ways. It has been a good find for me and whole family uses it.
45. This cream is awesome.  It helps with the dryness of my skin, soothes the arthritis in my hands and takes away the pain in my legs.  I am so glad that we tried the MSM cream out and now will never be without it.  Thank you so much.
46. When I have a headache, I gently rub MSM in front of my ears and down the side of my neck.  The product with its essential oils is very relaxing. 
47. The "old age spots" on my hands are disappearing with the use of MSM cream!  When I showed my doctor my hands he asked for the full name of the product!
48. I love the MSM product.  It's good for rough heels (on feet), for rashes, for joint pain and muscle tenderness.  Highly recommend this product.
49. It is hard to find products that do not set off my allergies, but your unscented products are great for me, and for my whole family.
50. Husband has sensitive skin and your product does the job.  Our daughter now uses it. Wouldn't be without it.
51. I don't know why it hasn't gone viral. I heard about it from Franklin Sanders and have sent it as gifts to 4 or 5 people and given your samples to local friends. I think it's the economy. If CPI for the last 4 yrs is up 8.2% why do BIG MACs cost 32.9% more?
52. Your product is fantastic! I would not have the range of motion in my shoulder like I do without it.  I don't think people understand MSM creme, it's properties, safety, its uses.  Most of the cremes in  stores do not work well so it is not familiar or comparable.  Might need a physical presence in a store or booth at a Farmers Market?
53. I have shared many bottles and have told. All my friends!! And a few patients.
54. My daughter in Ferndale recommended the MSM for aches and joint discomfort and sent me (in Illinois) an "old goat" basket.  I gave some to my niece who shared it with her co-workers (in  Missouri) and has placed several orders.  I asked my massage therapist to use it on me and now she has ordered some.  I've given several other friends samples.
55. if i recall (could be wrong, it's been a while), it has emu oil in it, so as a vegetarian, i can't use it. if you had a version w/o, i'd like to try it!
56. I love the smell, the feel and the way MSM cream works.  It is an outstanding product.  I rub it, at night,  on my arthritic knee which also has had a knee replacement and next morning, no pain.  It helps me sleep.
57. Cost is prohibitive for me.  I understand why it is so costly and do not dispute that - simply cannot afford it.
58. great product
59. I rub the MSM Lotion on my shoulder every night when I go to bed. 
60. This stuff is amazing! It works for every ailment I have applied it to, and it smells wonderful.
61. I have dealt with knee pain since I was a child. This has been especially troublesome during the night. I began applying your MSM cream each night before bedtime with great results. I rarely awaken with knee pains now.
62. It really did not relieve pain.
63. This is a beautiful, natural, clean product. I cannot imagine a day without it.
64. Using the cream at night on my neck, arms and legs helps my muscels relax,  which then assists in me to fall asleep.
65. I like the way it has cleared up my aging skin dryness, I love it.
66. This cream helps to ease so many different types of pains we get periodically. Including arthritis, and gout pain. We make sure we always have some of the cream in the house.
67. I love MSM Cream.  I "put it where it hurts."  I used it first for plantar fascitis, then my husband used it for his fingers that cracked when he worked on the diesel engine.  I use it for heat rash, for legs that are stiff from cramps.  I use it every day.  I love the smell of it.
68. When I get my regular visit to the dermatologist, I come away with all kinds of "blisters" from the freezing technique.  For a couple of weeks, they are sore, dry and irritated. The only thing that relieves this and promotes healing is your MSM cream.  Thank you for such a wonderful product.
69. I love the product. It's needful and works wonders for so many different problems.   Ruth Frederick
70. I am "very" satisfied.... higher than "somewhat" but not as high as "extremely".  It doesn't perform miracles but is a good moisturizer and for overnight aches and pains.
71. My husband and. I both rub our MSM cream on our aching joints before crawling in bed and then laugh as we say goodnight to our favorite goat.  No more waking up during the nite to get an aspirin.
72. I like the MSM cream and have only tried a few samples that you send along in the package of the others.  MSM cream works great on my back and my Mom (age 95) uses it for the pain in her hip.  It relieves the pain and lets her sleep at night. Great stuff!!
73. Love the cream and use almost daily.  Do recommend to everyone who I think could use it.  Would like to be able to purchase or obtain samples alittle bigger than the freeby that comes with orders. Possible to change from glass to plastic bottles?
74. not really extremely satisfied but more than somewhat satisfied
75. I have only tried the samples you send with my soap order.
76. My husband and I love MSM Cream!  We both use it every day and can't imagine being without it. Thanks original fragrance is our favorite.
77. It is a great product. I have not found anything
78. I absolutely Love your MSM cream. I use it on all of my aches, pains and bruises.  But best of all, I truly believe that it was instrumental in the healing of my heal problems. I was to the point of not being able to walk because of the pain. So I am standing on the roof tops shouting the praises of your MSM cream.
79. I love the products, and buy them and recommend them every chance I get - but you could provide us more of your cards, to help spread the word.
80. We were given a little jar by a friend after complaining about sore joints....we are hooked
81. I've been telling everybody I know about this cream!
82. I have very sensitive skin and this is the only product I have found that has not caused a problem - and I have been using it for several years now.
83. Your MSM cream in our house is called Miracle cream.We have used it  for many different things.It has healed my cracked feet this summer.Dry skin from sun exposure.Reduced time for healing bruises, but for me its for reducing the pain from back pain, sore muscles etc.It truly does what it claims too do.Our family love, love, love it.
84. This cream really gives relief from pain and soreness in your muscles and joints.  It also works great when you have a sore throat.  My whole family uses it!  When my daughters works at summer camp, she takes extra MSM along because all the other workers use it, too.
85. Product so awesome.  We use for sore muscles. sunburns dry skin our kids growing pains ehen we fly on airplanes relives ear pain and pressure.  Bug bites as a prevention as well as itching bites.  Also use it to cool down when hot. We have since moved to Florida. They ship the products here so we will never be caught without.  Blessings, Assinks
86. We are in our mid-sixties.  My wife is on concrete floors all day pushing wheel chairs.  Her feet and lower legs knot up every night.
87. The eucalyptus fragrance lotion is my favorite.
88. I'm already trying to make you as viral as I can!
89. MSM cream worked great for my unexplained eczema, as well as any strains, sprains or inflammation.  I feel so good about it I use it on my kids for growing pains, sprains etc.
90. I have personally found that this cream cures lots of ailments conventional medicine does not and many of those it does.
91. It helps when my RLS acts up by soothing and settling down the 'ants & twitches'...LOVE it!!
92. Never stop being amazed at the immediate comfort this lotion brings to an area of pain.  THANK YOU!!
93. I am blessed too, to be able to tell friends about your MSM cream because I know "it works"
94. The cream works for me but when I put it on my baby's skin he immediately started to scream and cry. His skin got red and bumps appeared on his little body. I had to give him a bath and clean him off, for the problem to stop. That was the last time I put it on him, I don't know what caused it, I believe it's one of the ingredients in the cream.
95. Hard for me to evaluate this product. I have no joint or muscle pain to test the MSM on. However, as a cream, I found the product smooth, light, and quickly absorbed with no sticky or greasy residue. And that's GREAT!
96. I LOVE the MSM lotion.  There are too many reasons to go into, but there is not one bad thing about this lotion.  I don't ever want to be without it.
97. It really works.  My knee is very much improved.
98. "If one uses this stuff when something hurts it won't hurt anymore!  Period!"
99. MSM cream is the best product I have ever used for pain relief from severe arthritis in my knees. My grandson just had surgery on his shoulder and MSM cream gave him added relief around the surgical site. Try it you will be glad you did. Melody, Rochester,NY.
100. We recommend it to friends AND we buy it regularly for family.
101. It is wonderful.  I tell everyone about it.  Now I am sending the email and web site to my friends.  I'm trying to help!
102. I recommend Grace Harbor Farms' MSM cream to every client because of its effectiveness in quickly relieving pain and discomfort.  I'm thankful for the person who told me about MSM cream and want to pass it on!
103. Plan to continue using the product and have recommended to others.
104. Smoothing the MSM cream on my aching arthritic body in the morning gives my body more pain free agility for the day.  Smoothing it on at the end of the day affords a calmer and more pain free rest all night long. 
105. It has worked when I have needed to use it! Thanks
106. I use it daily for pain in my wrist and hands. It takes care of the pain immediately.
107. I tell everyone I know the wonderful benefits of your MSM lotions & creams!
108. I am a new customer of yours and am very satisfied with the MSM cream. I have Rosecea and this cream has helped me more then anything I have tried, also the Arthritis pain in my hands is at a minimum.
109. i have used this product for more than 8 years and find its healing properties (especially with my chronic shoulder pain) to be amazing.  my only problem is a personal one.  i forget to use it every day, even when i am not in pain, and therefore i think i inhibit its full healing potential.
110. I love MSM Cream. Maybe people don't believe it works as well as it does.  You should be on Facebook, I would like you & I'm sure many other peoplw would too.
111. A friend recommended this product and I have been using it for over a month on my knees.  I now have less pain in my knees.  My mother is using it on her wrist which was sprained last year and she is finally getting some relief.  A great product.  Thank You
112. Used product for several years and we love it! We use it ever day.
113. Muscle aches, skin irritation, super dry hands or feet... it does it all! Thanks Grace :)
114. Grace's MSM cream heals my body pain better than any other product.  Its rich formula also soothes my irritated skin.  I have recommended this MSM cream to many people, including my neighbor who broke her ankle.  After healing the ankle continued to hurt.  I gave her some of my MSM cream, and she was amazed at how fast it worked.  Try it!
115. We love your product &  share it a lot!
110. I love MSM Cream. Maybe people don't believe it works as well as it does.  You should be on Facebook, I would like you & I'm sure many other peoplw would too.
111. A friend recommended this product and I have been using it for over a month on my knees.  I now have less pain in my knees.  My mother is using it on her wrist which was sprained last year and she is finally getting some relief.  A great product.  Thank You
112. Used product for several years and we love it! We use it ever day.
113. Muscle aches, skin irritation, super dry hands or feet... it does it all! Thanks Grace :)
114. Grace's MSM cream heals my body pain better than any other product.  Its rich formula also soothes my irritated skin.  I have recommended this MSM cream to many people, including my neighbor who broke her ankle.  After healing the ankle continued to hurt.  I gave her some of my MSM cream, and she was amazed at how fast it worked.  Try it!
115. We love your product &  share it a lot!