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Plantar Fasciitis

Here is one technique for applying the MSM cream to help with the pain of plantar fasciitis:
Start by pulling your toes back to expose the tendons in the bottom of your foot.
Now apply the MSM cream to area around the tendon

As the formulator for Grace Harbor Farms Goat Milk Soaps and Lotions,  Grace Lukens had been making skin care creams for several years. Then, in August of 2004,  she became confined to a wheelchair with plantar fasciitis, a painful foot condition.  For six months,  she was in the wheelchair unable to walk at all. Someone told her she should be taking MSM as a food supplement to help reduce the inflammation in her feet. When she did research on MSM, she discovered that there are companies making topical creams with MSM for pain relief.  "Well," she thought, "I'm a cream maker. I'll make my own." She had a basic cream formula that had been helpful for people with all kinds of skin problems so she decided to add MSM to that  formula. “Since I am a Christian, I asked the Lord what else I should put in the MSM cream to make it more effective for pain”, she says.

“I  believe He helped me  with the formula.”

She added as much MSM crystal as she could to her original goat milk skin care cream and then put in five essential oils that all have healing properties.


The result is Grace Harbor Farms MSM Cream.


The MSM cream worked so well for Grace’s plantar fasciitis that she was soon back on her feet. As our customers began to use the MSM cream, their stories  came back to us with reports of how well the MSM cream helps all sorts of pain and skin problems.


February 20, 2014
Oh, I hated to bother you. I gave two of my three jars away from my last order! I can't ever do with out this now. I can walk again pain free after three years of plantar pain! I had tears of joy rolling down my cheeks the first time I used it. The first relief I have had in so long. I'm sorry to go on - I am just so grateful. - Heidi