MSM and all the essential oils in a stick!
Perfect to pack on a hike, in your purse or pocket.
This MSM Body Butter Stick can be used as needed. Contains essential oils that are widely for soothing comfort and relaxation.
Ingredients: Beeswax, Cocoa Butter, Avocado Oil, Coconut Oil, Methylsulfonylmethane (MS), Water, Emulsifying was, Stearic Acid, Shea Bautter, Peppermint Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Rosemary Oil, Tea Tree Oil, and Lavender Oil.
6 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
MSM Body Butter Stick
At first, I wasn't sure about this product. Once I started using the MSM Body Butter Stick, it sure has come in handy. It is my go-to for bug bites, acne and scratches.
man body butter.
Love it. Got my neighbors hooked also.
MSM Body Butter Stick rocks!
I had some kind of awful bites on my lower legs and the itching was driving me crazy! I tried cortisone and other topicals to no avail. This product calmed the itching and helped bites . . .
*Love this product!
I use this con my cuticles and heels and find it to be very effective in healing the dryness. . .
Have been using for over ten years, keeps my skin clear.